Game Grid North Ogden
Check out our large selction of collectable card games, board games, miniatures, video games, and rpg's or look at our calander for upcoming events!
Join us for our Royal Blood One Piece prereleases this weekend at 2:30pm Saturday and Sunday! As always demand for this set is high so we strongly recommend preregistering either in person or over the phone! Each event will be capped at 32 players. Entry is $30 which includes special prerelease promo boosters with stamped cards.
Pokemon Prerelease!
Come join us this Saturday March 15th for the prerelease of Journey Together! Registration begins at 3pm, or you can call or arrive early to save your spot. Entry will be $30 and will include a build and battle kit as well as special prizes.
Tonight (3/5) we'll be hosting our prerelease of Union Arena's One Punch Man! Entry is $30 and will begin at 5:30pm. The official launch will be this Friday March 7th.
Aetherdrift Prerelease Weekend!
We’ll be running Aetherdrift prerelease events this weekend from Friday February 7th to Sunday February 9th. Entry to each event is $30 and will include prizes!
Friday February 7th @ 6pm
Saturday February 8th @ noon
Saturday February 8th 2-HG @ 7pm
Sunday February 9th @ 2pm
Learn to play BattleTech
Come learn how to play in this free-for-all battle! No one loses, when you get knocked out you'll get yourself a new mech and redeploy. Play will begin at noon this Saturday (2/1) NO ENTRY COST!
Lorcana Set Championship
Today at noon (1/18) we'll be hosting our Lorcana set championship! Entry is $15. Top 8 get a Scar Heartless Hunter promo card, 2nd gets a Scar Heartless Hunter playmat, and 1st gets a champion playmat! Additional booster prizes to be given out.
Magic the Gathering Foundations Prerelease
We’ll be running prerelease events this weekend from Friday November 8th to Sunday November 10th. Entry to each event is $30. Call or arrive in person to reserve your spot.
Friday November 8th @ 6pm
Saturday November 9th @ noon
Saturday November 9th 2-HG @ 7pm
Sunday November 10th @ 2pm
Twilight of the Republic Prerelease
We’re hosting a prerelease event for the upcoming Star Wars Unlimited set Twilight of the Republic on Monday November 4th @ 6pm. Entry is $30 and will include the prerelease kit as well as prizes and promos!
Weekly Union Arena!
We’re excited to announce the addition of Union Arena to our weekly tournament schedule. Join us every Wednesday @ 5:30pm. Entry is $5 and will include promos and additional prizes.
Magic the Gathering RCQ
We’re hosting a Regional Championship Qualifier with Judge Aaron Leete on Saturday October 12th. Registration will begin at 11am with play starting at noon. The format will be Modern and entry is $15. Prizes will be a foil promo Supreme Verdict for first place, top 8 will get a promo Supreme Verdict, participation prize will be promo Slight of Hand, and store credit to be awarded based on attendance and record.
Monument Hobbies Paints and Supplies
We're excited to announce that we are now carrying the full line of paints and brushes by Monument Hobbies! We'll also be carrying all of their other supplies, so if there's anything specific you'd like by them just ask our staff.
One Piece Weekly Tournaments
We'll be hosting these events every Saturday starting at 4pm. Entry is $5 and includes tournament promos and other prizes.
Online store
Coming soon. If you'd like us to pull a list of MTG singles or check for a product in store please email gamegridgaming@gmail.com